Every year, millions of adult and children survivors experience Domestic Violence across the United States. These survivors seeking refuge in emergency housing may miss out on a holiday or birthday celebration. We've made it our mission to change that.

At The Treasure Bag, we believe that every survivor deserves to create memories they will treasure forever - especially on their birthday or special holiday.

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Will you join us in delivering Treasure Bags to those in need across the country?

Everyone deserves to have their life, dreams, and birthday wishes acknowledged. Without your support, these birthdays and holidays wouldn't otherwise be celebrated due to limited funding for shelters and other resources available to survivors.

Your purchase from our product line helps to add a bit of magic, confetti and whole lot of joy for adults and children who need to know they are worth celebrating.

Proceeds go towards Treasure Bags that we will deliver to shelters in our local communities so that everyone gets to experience some magic on their special day.

Supplies are provided to support:

  • Back to school Backpacks
  • Birthday celebrations
  • Halloween Treat Bags
  • Holidays Celebrations

Ways to Donate

Shop from our Exclusive Product Line

Contribute to our mission by shopping from our Collection: /collections/all

Donate via Paypal (Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, Bitcoin & Stocks coming soon!)

Help us reach survivors across the country experiencing homelessness. Our goal is to make every survivor feel known and special.

Open Paypal to Donate to the cause!

Share your birthday! (or another special day)

Share our mission to your social media pages! Use your birthday as a special occasion to increase awareness and support for DV Survivors. Feel free to copy the post below:

This year I'm sharing my birthday with millions of DV survivors experiencing homelessness across the country. Please join me in supporting our community members to celebrate birthdays & holidays. Everyone deserves to create memories they will treasure forever. Will you join me in supporting our homeless neighbors?

#survivorsnotvictims #imwiththem #thetreasurebag #birthday #youaretreasure

Shop from our Amazon WishList

Help us provide a gift, a birthday party, a back to school backpack, party favors and more!

Amazon Wish List

Message us below with any questions or collaborations!